Your Data is Secure
Your data is protected by SSL data transfer protocols, and is encrypted at rest using the industry-standard AES-256 algorithm. Even our employees cannot read the text of your reminders in our database. We take your privacy seriously.
We don’t share or sell your data to anyone, ever. Read our Privacy Policy for more information about how we protect your data.

Reminders Work on Any Phone
Your TxtReminders can be received and controlled by any phone capable of sending and receiving regular SMS Text Messages.
For more powerful and portable control of your Reminders, get our Smartphone app! Scheduled reminders will keep on sending, even if you accidentally delete the App, or switch devices. That's what we mean when we say persistent and reliable. Once you've created your scheduled reminders, you don't ever have to worry about them again.
And coming soon - you'll have the choice to receive your reminders as Phone Calls! Great for wake-up calls and really important reminders.

Persistent, Reliable Reminders You Can Count On
Schedule your Reminders and forget about them.
Our servers have multiple redundant systems and intelligent queueing to ensure the highest deliverability.
Take advantage of our Persistency feature to have us send your Reminders repeatedly until you mark them as Done. Never lose sight of a Reminder again, and take action on the things that matter to you most.
Get things done and improve your life
Let TxtReminders help you achieve your Goals Let TxtReminders help you achieve your GoalsDo you forget to take out the Garbage sometimes?
1 - Schedule a TxtReminder to send you a Message every week, the night before Garbage Pickup, reminding you to take the Bin out to the Curb.
2 - Add 1-hour Persistency to the weekly TxtReminder and get a Text Message every hour until you reply with DONE, or mark it as Done with the Mobile App.
3 - Next week, we’ll remind you again.

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Available on all Major Platforms
Try our iPhone App and get 10 free TxtReminders! Our Android App is coming soon!Follow us on Social Media for updates on feature requests